Writer: Vanessa Pancrazi
Graphic designer: Vanessa Pancrazi
A feature film full of dreams and adventures, set against the backdrop of our endangered natural world.
Tino is 12 years old when he finds himself confronted with Cyrios, the evil shadow who wants to definitively tip the environment into catastrophe.
With his friend Lili and lizard Nat, he seeks to defeat this unattainable enemy.
Who will help them? Who are the Yokai? Who is the Alesani fairy? How can they return its light to the Earth?
This is the mystery of “Tino” …
Production: PM-SA
At the heart of an imaginary kingdom filled with monsters and fantastical creatures, three characters combine forces to survive: Indiana, an outlaw with mysterious powers; Zak an apprentice magician; and Wowo a chatty and quirky creature.
Together they go looking for Kyle, Zak’s twin brother who had disappeared, but who has rallied to the cause of an evil sorcerer.
Will Indiana, who has fallen under Kyle’s spell, Zak who must face his brother, and Wowo who has become a wild animal, manage to stay united long enough to fight the evil that is taking over their world?
Director: Philippe DUCHÊNE
Writer: Philippe DUCHÊNE – Nadège GIRARDOT
Animation studio: 2 minutes
Production: PM SA – Docc – Perpetua
Format: Feature animated film
Director: Véra Belmont
Script: Véra Belmont and Valérie Zenatti
Original music: Elliott Covrigaru
Art direction: Luciano Lepinay
Voice casting: Michèle Bernier (Lucia Kngichka), Jacques Gamblin (Henri Kichka),
Arthur Dupont (Michel Kichka adulte)
Direction coordinator: Marc Jousset
Animation supervisor: Adrien Gromelle
Based on the graphic novel Deuxième génération – Ce que je n’ai pas dit à mon père
by Michel Kichka, Dargaud, ed. (2012)
Duration: 74 min
Technique: 2D Animation
Format: 2K, Full HD 16/9, 1:78
Executive Production: Marc Jousset
Line Producer: Marc Jousset and Perrine Capron
Coproduction France – Belgium: Je Suis Bien Content (Fr), Left Field Ventures (Bel),
PM SA (Fr)
Coproducers: John Engel, Marie Queffeulou, Alain Pancrazi, Jean-Baptiste Frey,
Laurent Bacri, Perrine Capron, Philippe Alessandri, Simon Crowe, Matthew Joynes
Animation studios: Je Suis Bien Content (Paris), Waooh ! (Liège), Beaux et Bien Habillés (Lille)
Theatrical distribution France, Television and video: Le Pacte
International Distribution: SC Films International
My Father’s Secrets tells the story of a childhood spent in the shadow of the Holocaust, from Belgium to the Promised Land, alternating between nightmares and moments of joy. The only survivor of a family exterminated in the death camps, Henri Kichka returned to Belgium at age 20 years old. There were two girls and two boys. And such a burdened past that his children never stopped trying to emancipate themselves, each in their own way.
Format: 26X7’
Script: Nicolas SEDEL, Franck SALOME and Fernando WORCEL
Broadcast on the OKOO platform and France 4 since 2020
2nd series underway
Production: PM-SA
Writer: Ceet Fouad
Graphics: Ceet Fouad
Paulito, a young chicken, discovers that his ancestors once flew. His ultimate dream! Looking for the reason why his people no longer fly today, Paulito discovers the curious experiments of a scientist who is trying to make chickens fly again. He will fall madly in love with the scientist’s daughter and will do everything he can to seduce her. Together, they have to fight Marta, the leader of the ANTIS, a small group that seeks to destroy the scientist’s projects. But thanks to his perseverence, Paulito will achieve his dreams.
Production: PM SA
Format: 39X5′
Director : Olivier PERRAULT
Screenwriters: Christophe GUIGNEMENT, Raphael GUIARD, Cheikna SANKARE
In coproduction with GULLI, CANAL J and 2minutes
GULLI France and Africa and PM SA
Format: 20X1’30
Director: Franck SALOMES
With the support of UNICEF
Production: TF1 – PM SA
Format: 20×5′
Director: Hugues LANDRY
Production: TF1 – PM-SA